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Firm News

GKH Partners with Nonprofits to Present Seminar on Child-on-Child Abuse

Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP will present “Child-on-Child Abuse: Recognizing, Reporting, Preventing” on Thursday, October 5, 8 to 11:40 a.m. at the Eden Resort & Suites in Lancaster. GKH is collaborating with Samaritan Safe Church/Safe Places and The Center for Children’s Justice to address what is rapidly becoming an urgent… Continue

Attorney Sheila O’Rourke Plays for Lancaster in Charity Softball Game

GKH attorney Sheila O’Rourke had an RBI and scored a run for Lancaster in the inaugural War of the Roses Charity Softball Game on September 10. The game, played at PeoplesBank Park in York, pitted the Lancaster Bar Association Lions against the York County Bar Association Batting Barristers. Proceeds from player… Continue

Benjamin Franklin American Inn of Court Alice in Hamilton Wins National First Place

GKH attorney Peter Kraybill co-led and presented an April 2017 program on legal ethics for the Benjamin Franklin American Inn of Court, which has won the American Inns of Court national award for best program of 2016-2017 among all Inns nationwide. Attorney Kraybill has been active in the Benjamin Franklin… Continue

McCaskey Grad Helps GKH Before Starting at Temple University

GKH welcomed Raven Clark as the 2017 participant in its first annual summer internship/scholarship program for School District of Lancaster graduates. Program participants must be seniors at McCaskey High School, accepted into a four-year college degree program, and interested in pursuing a career in the legal field. Ms. Clark, as… Continue

GKH Honors Staff

Understanding the value of a dedicated and competent support staff, the GKH partners have always made recognition and appreciation of their employees a top priority. “Without the efforts of our legal and administrative support staff, Gibbel Kraybill & Hess would not be the firm it is today. While the attorneys… Continue

Lancaster Litigation Seminar

Attorneys Lindsay O’Neil and Jason Asbell presented “Basics of Litigation” to GKH clients and friends on May 18 at the main office in Lancaster. The presentation was part of the firm’s complimentary seminar series, which regularly offers basic legal information to the public at no cost. Attorneys O’Neil and Asbell,… Continue

Attorneys Yoder and Kraybill Present First Ardmore Seminar

GKH has opened an office in Ardmore. Under the direction of GKH partner Peter Kraybill, the new office extends the services of a general practice law firm to the Ardmore business community and greater Philadelphia area. To introduce the firm to the Ardmore community, attorneys Dwight Yoder and Peter Kraybill… Continue

Around the Table with Arun Gandhi

GKH was a proud Community Sponsor of “Around the Table with Arun Gandhi” hosted by Advōz at Spooky Nook on May 4, 2017. Dr. Arun Gandhi is the grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi. Dr. Gandhi was interviewed by Scott LaMar, host and Executive Producer of the… Continue

2017 Employment Law Seminar

GKH attorneys presented to more than 100 guests at the firm’s annual Employment Law Breakfast Seminar held on May 9 at the Eden Resort & Suites in Lancaster. This year’s topics reflected the significant changes and uncertainty regarding how many employment laws will be interpreted and enforced. Attorneys Jeff Worley, Justin… Continue

GKH Attorneys and Staff Run in Lancaster’s Annual Race Against Racism

For the eighth year in a row GKH fielded a strong team in the Race Against Racism. At the 2017 Race, held Saturday, April 29, a total of 34 GKH attorneys, staff, family members and friends joined the crowd of over 2,400 runners and walkers in the annual event sponsored… Continue