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Estate Planning Presentation

Attorney Elvin Kraybill presented “Beyond Wills and Trusts: Other Estate Planning Essentials” on Monday, July 10, at Martindale Mennonite Church in Ephrata. The presentation was part of Martindale’s Vacation Bible School program, which offers programming for all ages. Attorney Kraybill, along with attorney Angelo Fiorentino, will present this topic again… Continue

Special Needs Planning for Disabled Persons and Their Families

Date:          Monday, June 5, 2017 Time:          3:15 – 4:30 p.m. Location:    Hilton Hotel, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania GKH attorneys Marci Miller and Ann Martin will present “Special Needs Planning for Disabled Persons and Their Families” at The Arc of PA Advocacy and Policy Conference in Harrisburg. Attorneys… Continue

Lancaster Litigation Seminar

Attorneys Lindsay O’Neil and Jason Asbell presented “Basics of Litigation” to GKH clients and friends on May 18 at the main office in Lancaster. The presentation was part of the firm’s complimentary seminar series, which regularly offers basic legal information to the public at no cost. Attorneys O’Neil and Asbell,… Continue

Attorneys Yoder and Kraybill Present First Ardmore Seminar

GKH has opened an office in Ardmore. Under the direction of GKH partner Peter Kraybill, the new office extends the services of a general practice law firm to the Ardmore business community and greater Philadelphia area. To introduce the firm to the Ardmore community, attorneys Dwight Yoder and Peter Kraybill… Continue

GKH Attorneys To Present at Everence’s Stewardship University

Every year, Everence presents Stewardship University. A keynote speaker and a diverse line-up of courses invite participants to discover how to live a life of holistic stewardship. Once again this year, GKH is a Stewardship University sponsor, and GKH attorneys are well-represented among the presenters. During the 11:00 a.m. session,… Continue

GKH Attorneys Present Seminar for Churches

Attorneys Peter Kraybill and Jonna Stratton co-presented a seminar, “Legal Issues for Churches: From Employment and Taxes to Trademarks and Cemeteries,” on March 7 at the GKH main office. Attorneys Kraybill and Stratton provided a legal perspective on the question, How can churches be protective and proactive when engaging with… Continue

Doug Smith Presents Tax Seminar

GKH tax attorney Doug Smith presented “Top Tax Pitfalls for Small Businesses and Their Employees” on February 7, 2017. The presentation covered a range of tax-related topics relevant to small businesses, including employee classification, Trust Fund Recovery Penalty, W-2 and 1099 issues, IRS exams, and identity theft. View the PowerPoint… Continue

Top Tax Pitfalls for Small Businesses and Their Employees

Date:          Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Time:          7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Location:    The offices of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP, 2933 Lititz Pike The Internal Revenue Code requires small businesses to comply with varied and complicated tax laws. Failure to properly navigate these laws… Continue

Lancaster Attorneys Present Free Speech Seminar

GKH litigation attorneys presented a First Amendment seminar on free speech and the right to protest.