GKH Serves Community Meal
A team of 24 GKH attorneys and support staff prepared and served a meal to almost 170 guests on October 23. The meal was part of the Community Meal program, an initiative of the Lancaster County Council of Churches.
Across Lancaster City, free meals are served three times a day, most of them at churches. The Monday evening meal is hosted by East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church, in partnership with several other churches and organizations who take turns providing the meal, serving the food, and helping to clean up. GKH volunteered to take responsibility for one of the open spots in the meal schedule.
The GKH team worked in two shifts, the first shift preparing the food, and the later shift serving the meal and cleaning up afterward. The menu of taco salad, steamed broccoli, fresh fruit salad and cookies featured local and seasonal vegetables, fruit and ground beef.
“It was a great experience to participate as one of the many churches and businesses who serve our community in this way week after week,” said partner Dwight Yoder.