Virtual Small Group Session: Connecting the Past to the Present
Please join us on Wednesday, September 30, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom video conference for small group discussion of topics related to systemic racism and discrimination in which we connect our past history directly to current challenges we are facing.
Participants must commit to reviewing specific materials in advance of the small group discussion. Links to these resources are listed below and include reading two articles, watching a YouTube video, and listening to three podcast episodes.
Small group discussion will occur in separate chat rooms with facilitators and is intended to provide an interactive forum for participants to go deeper in their learning and, together, tackle difficult questions regarding our country’s long history of racist ideas and policies.
All are invited to join the discussion, and previous attendance at our related Abolishing Slavery Seminar Series is not a prerequisite.
Preregistration for the small group discussion is required.
Reading and Listening Assignments for Small Group Session:
- Holding a Black Lives Matter Sign in America’s Most Racist Town
- Seeing White Part Six: “That’s Not Us, So We’re Clean” (podcast)
- Seeing White Part Seven: “Chenjerai’s Challenge” (podcast)
- Seeing White Part Eight: “Skulls and Skin” (podcast)
- If you have not yet listened to Parts 1 to 4 of Seeing White, you are encouraged to do so if you have time.
- Europe in 1989, America in 2020, and the Death of the Lost Cause (available as PDF on the Resources tab on the GKH website)
- You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body is a Confederate Monument (available as PDF on the Resources tab on the GKH website)
A recording of this small group discussion is now available on our resources tab.